Novel Institute of Business Management and Research NIBR College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology


The Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell is committed to addressing complaints from female students and staff regarding grievances related to gender-based issues within the college. As per the Honourable Supreme Court of India, sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature, whether explicit or implied, including:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Requests or demands for sexual favours
  • Sexually suggestive remarks
  • Display of pornographic content
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
Objectives of the Cell:
  • To establish a structured mechanism for addressing women’s grievances effectively.
  • To educate female students, faculty, and staff about their legal rights and protections.
  • To safeguard the dignity and rights of women within the college environment.
  • To provide a platform for lodging complaints and ensuring proper redressal.
  • To promote hygiene and maintain a safe, healthy atmosphere in and around the campus.
  • To support the personal and academic development of female students.

This cell is dedicated to fostering a respectful, safe, and empowering environment for all women at the institution.

Students report their grievance to any of the committee members.

Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Members’ Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Priya Gorkhe Vice-President - Novel Group of Institutes Chairman
Dr. Prajakta Chiplunkar Faculty Representative Member
Mrs. Sakshi More Non-Teaching Representative Member
Ms. Anushka Jadhav Student Representative Member
Ms. Samiksha Jagtap Student Representative Member
Mr. Satish Brahmane Faculty Representative Member
Mr. Paresh Desai Non-Teaching Representative Member
Prof. Shailaja Sangale Society Representative Member
Ms. Shaila Shinde Police Constable (Damini Squad) Member
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Assistant Professor Secretary


Dear Students,
It is mandatory to fill the below form when you start a new academic year. Use any one of the link.

Ragging refers to any act of disorderly conduct that causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm, instil fear, shame, or embarrassment to a student in an educational institution. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Encouragement or instigation of ragging
  • Criminal conspiracy and unlawful assembly related to ragging
  • Creating public nuisance in the name of ragging
  • Indecent behaviour or violation of moral and ethical standards
  • Physical assault, injury, or mental trauma inflicted on a student
  • Use of criminal force, sexual harassment, or unnatural offenses
  • Wrongful restraint or confinement of a student
  • Acts of extortion, trespassing, or damage to property
  • Humiliation—both physical and psychological
  • Abuse through spoken words, emails, blogs, public insults, or any form of online harassment
  • Disruption of academic activities due to ragging-related incidents
  • Any action that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or student
  • All other offenses categorized under the definition of ragging.
Regulatory framework

The AICTE (prevention & prohibition of ragging in technical institutions, universities, including deemed-to-be universities imparting technical education) regulations, 2009, strictly prohibit ragging in any form. Strict disciplinary actions shall be taken against those found guilty. This policy ensures a safe and respectful environment for all students, fostering a culture of mutual respect and well-being.

Students report their grievance to any of the committee members.

Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Chairman
Mr. Satish Brahmane Senior Teaching Member Member
Ananya Gajbhiye Student Representative Member
Ms. Shaila Shinde Police Constable (Damini Squad) Member
Dr. Vishwas More Local Media Representative Member
Mr. Suryakant Jadhav NGO Representative Member
Mrs. Swati Kad Non-teaching Representative Member
Mrs. Nilofar Pathan Parent Representative Member
Dr. Mahesh Patil Society Representative Member
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Assistant Professor Secretary


The committee for scheduled castes (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST) is established to safeguard the rights and welfare of SC/ST students and staff within an educational institution. It ensures that they receive equal opportunities, protection against discrimination, and support in academic and personal development. The committee works in compliance with government policies and legal frameworks to promote social justice and inclusivity.

  • Safeguard Rights & Prevent Discrimination – Ensure that SC/ST students and staff are not subjected to any form of discrimination, harassment, or injustice.
  • Promote Equal Opportunities – Facilitate access to academic, financial, and career opportunities for SC/ST students.
  • Address Grievances – Provide a structured mechanism to resolve issues faced by SC/ST students and employees.
  • Awareness & Sensitization – Conduct awareness programs on SC/ST rights, government policies, and anti-discrimination laws.
  • Scholarship & Welfare Assistance – Guide students in availing scholarships, reservations, and other welfare schemes provided by the government.
  • Ensure Representation – Advocate for fair representation of SC/ST students and faculty in various committees and decision-making bodies.
  • Monitor & Implement Policies – Oversee the implementation of government regulations regarding the welfare of SC/ST communities in educational institutions.
  • Promote Inclusivity & Social Harmony – Foster a culture of inclusivity, equality, and mutual respect among students and staff.

This committee plays a crucial role in ensuring a supportive, non-discriminatory, and empowering environment for SC/ST students and faculty.

Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Sr. No. Name Designation / Representative
1 Prof. Satish Brahmane Coordinator
2 Mr. Paresh Desai Coordinator
3 Mrs. Sakshi More Coordinator
4 Manav Shinde Member
5 Anany Gajbhiye Member
6 Nikita Ovhal Member
7 Rohit Potale Member


A cybercrime cell in a college is a specialized body that addresses and prevents cyber-related offenses within the institution. It works to protect students, faculty, and staff from digital threats such as online harassment, cyberbullying, hacking, identity theft, phishing, and misuse of social media. The cell also educates students about safe online practices and ensures compliance with cyber laws.

Objectives of the cybercrime cell:
  • Preventing cybercrimes: Identify and take preventive measures against cyber threats like hacking, phishing, cyberstalking, and online fraud.
  • Raising awareness: Conduct workshops and awareness programs on safe internet usage, digital ethics, and cybersecurity measures.
  • Handling cyber complaints: Provide a platform where students and staff can report cyberbullying, harassment, and online fraud for timely resolution.
  • Collaborating with authorities: Work with law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity experts, and it departments to handle severe cyber offenses.
  • Promoting digital responsibility: Encourage responsible use of technology, ensuring students understand the legal and ethical aspects of the digital world.
  • Ensuring data privacy and security: Implement policies to protect personal and institutional data from breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Monitoring online misuse: Keep an eye on malicious activities, fake profiles, and inappropriate content that could harm the college community.
  • Providing cyber safety training: Train students and faculty on how to identify and respond to cyber threats effectively.

The cybercrime cell plays a vital role in maintaining a safe and secure digital environment within the college. By educating, monitoring, and taking corrective actions, it helps protect individuals from cyber threats and promotes ethical digital behaviour.

Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Chairman
Anish Kharat Student Representative Member
Shreshtha Bhalekar Student Representative Member
Prof. Satish Brahmane Faculty Member Secretary


Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Name Designation Responsibility
Mr. Shantanu Deshpande Assistant Professor Sports Head
Dr. Prajakta Chiplunkar Senior Teaching Member Wallpaper Committee Head
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Assistant Professor Cultural Committee Head


Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Name Post
Anushka Jadhav Girls Secretary
Anirudhha Rawas Sports Secretary
Joel Ghate Sports Representative
Tejas Surwade Cultural Secretary
Samiksha Jagtap Cultural Representative
Sujal Thakur Wall Paper Secretary
Shreshta Bhalekar Wall Paper Representative
Ms. Mrunal Joshi Alumni Council
Mr. Amit Shinde Alumni Council
Ms. Susam Gupta Alumni Council
Ms. Akshada Bidkar Alumni Council
Mr. Pranav Gadgil Alumni Council


Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Director/Appellate Officer
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Administrator Information Officer
Mr. Paresh Desai Admin. Assistant Assistant Information Officer


Name of the member Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Chairman
Dr. Priya Gorkhe Management Representative Member
Mr. Shantanu Deshpande Teaching Member Member
Dr. Prajakta Chiplunkar Management Representative Member
Mr. Satish Brahmane Teaching Member Member
Dr. Priya Gorkhe Management Representative Member
Mr. Paresh Desai Administrative Member Member
Mrs. Sakshi More Non-teaching Representative Member
Mrs. Mrunal Gadekar Industry Expert Member
Mr. Amit Shinde Industry Expert Member
Mr. Suryakant Jadhav NGO Member Member
Ms. Akanksha Wagdarikar Alumni Member Member
Miheer Gajbhiye Student Representative Member
Shreshtha Bhalekar Student Representative Member
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Secretarye IQAC Coordinator


"Ragging” means display of disorderly conduct, doing of any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational institution and includes -

  • Abetment / instigation to ragging.
  • Criminal conspiracy to rag and Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging.
  • Public nuisance created during ragging.
  • Violation of decency and morals through ragging.
  • Injury to body, causing hurt / mental trauma or grievous hurt.
  • Use of criminal force, assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences.
  • Wrongful restraint/confinement.
  • Extortion, Criminal trespass, offences against property.
  • Physical or psychological humiliation.
  • Any act / abuse by spoken words, e-mails, snail, mails, blogs, public insults etc.
  • Any act that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of a student
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of a fresher/student
  • All other offences from the definition of “Ragging”.

“AICTE (Prevention & Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education) Regulations 2009”


Strict action will be taken against students found guilty and/or abetting Ragging; punishment includes one or more of the following:

  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits.
  • Withholding results
  • Forfeiting Campus Placement opportunities / recommendations.
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
  • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival etc.
  • Cancellation of Admission.
  • Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
  • Rustication from the institution for a period, ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other Institution for a specific period.
  • Fine of Rupees 25,000/- to Rupees 1 lakh
  • Collective Punishment: When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the college shall resort to collective punishment.
  • A First Information Report (FIR) will be filed with the local police authorities for every single incident of ragging


Name Designation / Representative Role
Dr. Vaibhav Phand I/C Principal Head
Prof. Shantanu Deshpande Internal Sr. Supervisor Member
Mr. Paresh Desai Sr. Admin. Assistant Member
Prof. Sukhada Kulkarni Chief Examination Officer Member Secretary

Grievance Committee / Internal Complaint Cell

Members Of The Committee 2025-26

Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Chairperson
Ms. Sukhada Kulkarni Assistant Professor Member
Mr. Paresh Desai Senior Admin. Assistant Member
Mrs. Namrata Karpe Non-Teaching Representative Member
Utkarsh Patil Student Representative Member
Anushka Jadhav Student Representative Member
Ms. Shaila Shinde Police Constable (Damini Squad) Member
Dr. Vishwas More Local Media Representative Member
Mr. Suryakant Jadhav NGO Representative Member
Mrs. Nilofar Pathan Parent Representative Member
Dr. Mahesh Patil Society Representative Member
Mr. Shantanu Deshpande Assistant Professor Secretary


The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by female students and staff under Women Grievances at the college. According to the Hon. Supreme Court of India, definition of Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication), such as:

  • Physical contact and advances.
  • Demand or request for sexual favors.
  • Sexually Colored remarks.
  • Showing pornography.
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

Objectives of the Cell:

The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by female students and staff under Women Grievances at the college. According to the Hon. Supreme Court of India, definition of Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication), such as:

  • Resolving of issues through formation of Women’s Grievance Redressal.
  • Equipping the female students, faculty and staff members with knowledge of their legal rights.
  • Safeguarding the rights of female students, faculty and staff members.
  • Providing a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.
  • Incorporating hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college.
  • Ensuring personality along with academic development of female students.

Complaint Procedure:

Students report their grievance to any of the committee members in person or in writing.


Name Designation Contact No.
Dr. Priya Gorkhe Chairman
Prof. Sukhada Kulkarni Secretary
Prof. Prajakta Chiplunkar Member
Mrs. Sanjivani Sawant Member
Prof. Shailaja Sangale Society Representative
Ms. Arti Dolas Student Member
Mr. Palsule Sr. Police Inspector

Reservation Cell:

Name Designation Contact No.
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal
Prof. Yashwant Satankar Faculty Member
Prof. Satish Brahmane Faculty Member
Mr. Ramesh Tuntune Non-Teaching Staff

Complaint Cell:

Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Chairman
Prof. Yashwant Satankar Student’s Coordinator Secretary
Prof. Sukhada Kulkarni Administrator Member
Prof. Shantanu Deshpande Training & Placement Coordinator Member
Mrs. Sakshi More Non-teaching Staff Member

In charge Student Council for the Academic year 2023-2024:

Name Post
Ms. Akshada Jadhav Girls Secretary
Mr. Shubham Desai Sports Secretary
Mr. Kunal Shroff Sports Representative
Ms. Tanupriya Yadav NSS Secretary
Mr. Gaurav Londhe NSS Representative
Ms. Neha Tayade Cultural Secretary
Ms. Mansi Brahmane Cultural Representative
Mr. Shreyas Cherkar Wall Paper Secretary
Ms. Pranjal Kumavat Wall Paper Representative
Mr. Swaroop Kale Alumni Council
Mr. Amit Shinde Alumni Council
Ms. Susam Gupta Alumni Council
Ms. Akshada Bidkar Alumni Council
Mr. Pranav Gadgil Alumni Council


Name Designation Responsibility
Dr. Vaibhav Phand Principal Director/Appellate Officer
Prof. Sukhada Kulkarni Administrator Information Officer
Mr. Paresh Desai Sr. Administrator Assistant Information Officer
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