Novel Institute of Business Management and Research NIBR College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
  • Ragging is an offence punishable by law and it is strictly prohibited. Students who are found ragging within or out of the college campus may face severe disciplinary action.
  • The college authorities cannot accept any liability in respect of any accident caused to a student while engaged in practical work or due to any other causes.
  • Damages, losses to college property because of negligence of carelessness of students will attract the fine.
  • The college is not responsible for any loss damages or theft of student's valuables/property including cash and cell phones.
  • Students are not supposed to carry their cell phones in lecture halls, practical Labs & library.
  • Smoking, drinking, playing cards, use of drugs ect, is prohibited anywhere in the college pemises.
  • Every student must always carry his/her identity card which will be provided by the college.
  • Attendance at classes & practical labs is compulsory.
  • Student must maintain at least 75% attendance in every academic session for appearing university exams.
  • Absence without pre-sanctioned leave is considered a breach of discipline.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the college premises during work hours without prior permission of authorized person.
  • Uniform as prescribed is compulsory for each student.
  • Students are requied to conform to grooming standards of the college during lectures and practicals.
  • Private outdoor caterings are strictly prohibited.
  • It is compulsory for every student to complete industrial training of stipulated time period in allotted property.
  • Timely submission of all journals, assignments, reports is mandotary for every students.
  • Students behaviour with colleagues, faculty and staff is expected to be well mannnered and cordial.
  • Admission Form